The Diary of Roland'O

Roland'O is on a 10-year mission, hitch-hiking around the world, bearing a simple message: "I want Peace on Earth" This blog presents excerpts from his communiques, together with a few observations on them.

I want Peace on Earth

Diary 2009

Date: 08/05/09 23:52 Objet: your opinion of silo

searching for material to include/inspire/cite/corroborate in a new chapter of Intelligent Plastic Machines tentatively entitled "psychosomasis" (and for insights into my own psychosomatic addiction to nicotine), i came across

i would be interested in your opinion of my stuff and/or his

Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 12:27 AM Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Hi David !

I will have a look as soon as possible, I enjoy to read your work.

I'm in Africa, almost at the end. I went thru all the East towards Cape of Good hope an back North in the Center and now in the West. Tomorrow I leave towards Guinea.

Everything is fine here. I'm still not fat but the contact with the people is quite interesting. I feel things are going fast now and soon it might be unbearable. Money is missing everywhere and lying and robbery seem to become the norm and it doesn't work well. Things still surf on the wave of illusions but we are not all dumb anymore, aren't we ?

Much Peace and Love dear friend from the antipodes.

